The band cares more about "other things in life" besides the band. The fire isn\'t there, and at this point it seems they\'re waiting for lightning to strike them rich and successful. I just rocked the fuck out to "Intension, TLATG>OE" in my livingroom. Doing so I was once again reminded of tB\'s ability to tap into my dopamine receptors, leaving me speechless and ecstatic. I wish for the love of God that they would take their magic seriously and do something with it. Drop the ego\'s, get in the van and work your asses off. Take some heat, deal with bullshit, kiss ass, and leave this barren local music market for greener pastures.
I will always love this band for their abilities to make me "feel". I only hope the towel isn\'t fully thrown in yet. If it is, well, I\'m grateful for everything they\'ve given us, and hope their work attracts more appreciators as the years go by (which I\'m sure they will!!).