1. I\'m eating dinner at this Bistro tonight. I hope to enjoy a disgustingly overpriced spanish tapas meal, which will include several glasses of wine. Then, I plan on telling this dildo that he\'s fucking up downtown with his stupid noise complaints, the meal sucked and I\'m never coming back and telling everyone that I saw a rat walk outta his kitchen.
2. I was talking to the folks @ Seven Sea\'s the other night about this noise situation, when another patron chimned in that they work for Cafe Atlantique (the coffee shop on the other side of the Bistro), and the dildo is screwing up their shit too with these noise complaints. Apparently he lives above the Bistro, with an infant baby. They can no longer play their satellite radio outside because they are "waking up his baby".
3. Rumor has it, he\'s also complaining about Daniel Street.
4. On a side note, Chris (Caitlin\'s Dad): you know you can start threads about these Switch Up gigs, instead of hijacking other threads, right? Just an observation.