this was a really good night that i almost missed. I was at a birthday dinner/cocktial celebration for a friend from my old software job. We ate at FIRE (the old Polo Club on Crown St) and then went to the new bar Firehouse 12 for drinks...... It was a great night, but something was telling me to hit up sidebar. As billychags and I arrived at Sidebar, the Breakfast was on the stage Tim-guitar, Adrian-ser acoustical drum setup, Save-vocals, playing New Beginning......
A great night of music indeed.....
The highlight of the night, ALMOST, was when tim and adrian started playing Col. Forbins Ascent. They teased it and upstate almost lept out of his skin. Ellis was called up to the mic to sing, but tim called him to get up and sing some other song he was talking about....Definitely would have been cool to see upstate on vocals....ahhhh well.... next time.....