The BreakfastCentury Lounge - Providence, RI12/01/06*****************************************************************Taper: Chris FitzPatrick ( R0DE NT3s > Edirol UA-5 (W-MOD) > Nomad Jukebox 3 > 16bit/44.1kHzEditing: Mastered in Pro Tools 7.0; Tracks split in CD WaveFLAC: Master WAVs > FLAC v1.1.2aNotes: Thanks to Spacey for lending his Nomad Jukebox 3.*****************************************************************DISC ONESet I01 - Intro02 - Tribal Funk Affliction03 - Great Big Fiery Ball In The Sky >04 - Future Peek >05 - Merge >06 - Slipknot! >07 - No Regret08 - Score09 - LDZ >10 - Inner Glimpse >11 - LDZ >12 - Inner GlimpseDISC TWOSet II01 - Intro02 - Beef Barley03 - Space City Affair >04 - Honey Butter05 - Good Things06 - Rufus >07 - What The FunkEncore08 - Encore Break09 - See The Light** inverted; with \'Within You Without You\' (The Beatles) tease.
I dont know if it was me or not, but in the Rufus part where Adrian does the whole Esteban "its all the DVDs" and "you got star qualities" parts....does tim sing "your a star bro" after that?
Thanks fitzy, but I have yet to lift my personal ban on BAR yet......