thank you for the extra copy of moxie epoxy i have just received. i only intended to purchase one copy, which i received a few weeks ago, but now i have an extra to give out as a gift. holidays are coming, after all. i just wish you hadn\'t charged me twice, as, since i wasn\'t expecting the extra charge and was quite tight on money, it boosted me into a negative bank balance, plus the service charge. don\'t get me wrong, i am happy to support both you and the band, but i\'d rather do it expectedly. if i get a third copy, i will simply expect to continuously receive them, thus becoming the largest single recipient of this album ever. and i like obscure claims to fame, so it works for me.... again, next time, just let me know so i can make sure to have the money in the bank first. at least i know what that heretofore mysterious \'electronic transfer\' is now, though.... :lol: