The amount of garbage speculation about what "happened" is rediculous on this board. A decision was made, that is all fans "need" to know. Where this sense of entitlement comes from is beyond me. If you don\'t think that they will be the same without Jordan, you are right, it is pretty fucking obvious. To go in to this transition period with doubts about their ability to work things out, is just plain ignorant. Maybe it will work or maybe it won\'t, I know one thing, the band isn\'t giving up! So why should you.
Maybe it is because I have already been through this as a fan with another favorite band of mine, but I am willing to let things fall as they may. Stay positive about this change, it just might be the thing they needed to explode. Or it might fall apart all together. Either way fans should just support the band they love. If you don\'t feel the same about The Breakfast(and it is STILL The Breakfast), because Jordan left...that is fine, move on with your life...that is the way things go sometimes. I, for one, KNOW for a fact that I am not going ANYWHERE...this is all just TOO MUCH FUN! Long live the Breakfast and LONG LIVE THE B-FAM!!!