-wich A compound word using the name of any song combined with the second half only of the noun \'wedgewich\' (Which in itself is a compound word based on sandwich). Used to describe any number of songs that weave in and out of one song such as ep2>no regret>ep 2>mommy, what\'s a funkadelic>ep 2. Elisions can be used as needed for proper rhythm. example: Gravitywich.
disgustingly tasty While most would go running to the hills screaming oxymoron, the astute breakfast fan will quickly identify the proper anti-use of disgustingly in the sentence as a positive adjective.
example sentence (Antbach)
Sans the Gravitywich, which was disgustingly tasty, Gladys definitely was crazy good, rivaling the Iron Horse, which for me was my personal favorite Gladys to date.