Originally posted by leith
I know there are some computer techs on this board so what up with getting the guys some web time? I remember DCN used to have some shows archived operative words being used to. So what does it actually involve because i know i got a few bucks to help buy a camera for this purpose. I mean can it really be that hard to do? seems to me in this day and age it should be doable via laptop and a webcam specifically for video( do they make such a thing?). Am i just ignorant to what is actually possible or can this get done AND is anyone else interested in seeing their favorite band on the web? Talk abt publicity too if they could advertise webcasts. Just thinkin\' out loud i guess.
The band would need some kind of satellite internet service installed outside in their van with a laptop. they would have to run some kind feed from the soundboard or audience mics outside to their van into the laptop. Then they would have to set up a server to host the webcast. Shoutcast might be a good way of doing it so fans can listen at home in winamp.
It would probably cost $400 for the satellite internet equipment, $1000 for a laptop to run off of, $200 for some kind of interface to run the audio into the laptop, and at least $100 a month for basic satellite internet service. That would only do audio probably could only handle a few listeners at a time.
Its very expensive and would probably be a huge hassle for the band and/or dobz to set up at every show, so they would have to probably need to get someone to go on the road with them to set it up every night. Its not something they would be able to do right now. If they could pull it off it would be huge because its not something that anyone else is doing. once word got out on jambands.com or on another major site i think that several thousands of people would check it out and the band would pick up fans from all over.