traffic cameras are so constitutionally questionable, though... i know here they got discontinued because the va supreme court ruled against them. but they had to be set up first. my brother got a ticket from a camera once. he just told them he wasn\'t driving the car at the time, and since they couldn\'t see the driver nearly as well as they could see the license plate, they had to dismiss the charge. that sort of occurance helped go toward getting rid of them. you\'re supposed to be charging the driver, not the vehicle\'s owner... i think i\'m rambling, but the point is, hopefully the cameras will get challenged before they go up, as many states have been able to defeat them so far.
also, if you can\'t live on $500k and cause your company to fail, i don\'t feel bad for you. obviously you should not be entrusted with any large sums of money in the first fucking place. sell your shit, learn to live on a budget, and pretend you know enough about financial success to be, oh, i don\'t know, the ceo of a major fucking financial institution! how horrible, the thought of a frugal money manager!! i think the lesson to be learned here, is that if you suck so badly at your job that you throw the economy out of whack and have to be saved by socialism, you have to live by socialist rules and split your profits with us citizens who have had to save your ass. if you can operate your business without running it into the ground, go forth and profit!
yes, i think i am indeed rambling... ok, time to work.