funny thing about the steamed windows was I was in the back seat and drew was in front, so he was obviously just trying to be cool and crack jokes with us after attempting to bust mark. I can understand he\'s doing his job and all but after witnessing the whole prossess those tests are definietly stacked against you. I mean first of all, the older a road gets, the more it wears down, which causes it to buldge at the yellow lines and curve down to the sides. And we were on a hill. I pointed this out to mark and that as a result he would be constantly falling forward and to his left when walking, which (big suprise) he felt he was. And how the hell are you suppose to breathe with a strong continuous breath for an indiscriminate length of time? That\'s physically impossible! Your lungs can only hold a finite amount of oxygen, so in order to expel air at any level of continuous pressure, you need to approximate a duration of time before you start breathing so you can calculate a maximum pressure to breathe at! It\'s simple physics people!!!