For those of you who were at the show last night - was that the worst opening "band\' you\'ve ever heard in your entire life? I couldn\'t sit and listen to it. It was such a horrible cacaphony.
STP rocked, of course, but who else thought the sound quality was rough? They switched Scott\'s vocal mic 3 times and you still couldn\'t hear him properly.....
yes, worst opening band ever. we didn\'t even go in to see them at the oakdale, but went in last night so we could see where our seats were. we didn\'t even last 5 minutes. just awful. still trying to figure out why there were two drummers when both of them were just playing the exact same thing. in case one falls asleep?
definitely some sound issues last night, but i thought there was a good portion of the show where i thought it sounded really damn good. it started out rough, and then got a lot better. there was one point where scott\'s mic started randomly popping or something, and they switched it out. then for some reason before d&b he had a wired mic and left the wireless on the stand. i don\'t think anyone knew that, cause the tech ran out and tried to give him the wireless off the stand, and scott showed him the wired mic, which then ended up being completely off for the whole first half of the song.
that said, i thought last night sounded much better than the oakdale, which surprises me.
it was great to see them, and i\'m glad i went. but the whole canned setlist thing is really a downer. last night was actually the same show as the night before
minus 2 songs. i mean, at least mess with the order a little bit...