I know I\'m a proud Dad but I have to say if you weren\'t at Daniel Street last night you missed a great SWITCH UP^ show. Tim, Adrian and Caitlin are really getting everything together. Look for the DVD....Ken was there taping everything.
The drum solo was one of the best I\'ve ever seen....
This Saturday, July 28th....Captain\'s Galley. West Haven 2 to 6pm.
Hope to see you there.
Peace, Chris
You have a GREAT reason to be a proud Dad!Shes a talented,beautiful and amazing girl!Your Caitlin is.Last night was great!
I took my Tommy boy, and sure outside woulda been better for kids but it was cool.He always has fun!I promised the kid he was going to go to a show I cant break it.
Thanks everyone who helped me and hung w/ the little guy(I guess he is at the age where mommy\'s friends are cooler to be with than mommy-makes me kinda sad) on the up and sarcastic side..:biggrin:its kinda fitting for a Switch Up show to have to have the place its supposed to be at be switched.
The Bistro dude reminds me of my obnoxious neighbor!but I wont get started on that.UUUHHGGG BIOTCH!!