In the green party primary?
The Green-Rainbow Party is proud to announce that we will have our primary elections on Tuesday, February 5th, 2008, with a fantastic lineup of candidates running for the Green Party\'s nomination.
You can vote in the Green-Rainbow Party primary if you are a voter who is either registered in the Green-Rainbow (designated J) Party or registered "unenrolled". The last day to register to vote and be eligible to participate in the primary is Wednesday, January 16, 2008.
Here are the 6 candidates, in the order they will appear on our ballot:
1. Jared Ball
2. Ralph Nader
3. Elaine Brown [Withdrawn]
4. Kat Swift
5. Cynthia McKinney
6. Kent Mesplay
Here is some more information on the candidates:
Jared Ball
Independent journalist; radio host (WPFW 89.3 FM Pacifica Radio in Washington, DC), hip-hop scholar, assistant professor of communications studies at Morgan State University in Baltimore, Maryland.
Ralph Nader
1996 and 2000 Green candidate for President; 2004 independent candidate for President; consumer advocate.
http://www.draftnader.orgKat Swift
Texas Green organizer; former Campus Greens leader; activist with Clean Money San Antonio and San Antonio Democracy Now. McKinney
Former member of the US House of Representatives (Georgia), 1993 to 2003, 2005 to 2007; former member of the Georgia House of Representatives, 1988-1992.
http://www.runcynthiarun.orgKent Mesplay
2004 candidate for the Green presidential nomination; former president of Turtle Island Institute; environmental engineer, alternative energy activist; California Green organizer.