:jawdrop:Switch Up last night was incredible!!! Anyone who wasn\'t there truly missed out on an AMAZING night of music. Caitlin is so talented... she played bass, guitar, drums, & sang like a champ - I\'m looking forward to seeing Switch Up again sometime soon!
YEAH!!! They were awesome!! Caitlin\'s Mom and Me or is it I?? are so proud of her!! I still can\'t believe Tim and Adrian have asked her to be in a band...you guys are the best!!!
Good Time Boys were on fire!!!! Dave and the boys really played their asses off.
Hi Everyone, Thanks for coming down for the first SWITCH UP show. I had so much fun playing with the awesome TIM and ADRIAN. Hope to see everyone again at the next show.
LOVE CAITLIN OK...now one last thing from me...thanks to everyone who came up an introduced themselves to Me and Lisa (Caitlin\'s MOM) We had a great time and it was great meeting all of you. See you soon.
Peace, Chris aka "Caitlin\'s Dad"