I\'m listening to the album now, and i can see why there\'s mixed reviews. BJP, She and LATW didn\'t do much for me studio wise, but Tailspin, the Pit, Down Boy and Wind it Up are a lot better, especially WIU which is a song I\'m not particularly in love w/ normally.
I was kinda anti the entire album before it even came it. one, it should\'ve been released about a year earlier, and two they left off several key songs that\'ve made it much better imo. of all the recent moe. tunes, i think they could\'ve made a completely different album using all the songs that were left off this and I\'d have been all for that.
what Igzy wishes the Conch was:
1. McBain- phatty jam, what moe. is all about
2. Lazarus- recently redone and breathed new life to, also \'nother solid jam
3. Wicked Awesome- short al. rocker, just the way i like \'em
4. Biblical Proportions- a good change of pace, better than the other Rob songs showcased on the album.
5. Good Trip- short, sweet, seems harmless, but when played right can be tripped the fuck out.
6. George- McBain\'s little brother, also a good jam.
those 6 songs alone could\'ve been a sick jammed out album, but thats not what they\'re going for unfortunately.