Sorry to unearth an old thread, but I was searching the forum using the keyword "keyboard" trying to see if there was any new news on a replacement keyboard player and I came across this thread. Just to clarify the term "kid\'s jamband"...
they are not kids, but play music aimed at kids. I know they play a lot of schools and such. Songs like Snow Day and happy kind of stuff. Anyway, they have had quite a few notable CT area players from other local jambands you might have heard of including Dennis Fancher of Dr. Juice, Mike Tierny of The Feed, Rob Fried (alumni) of Max Creek, and the keyboard player, who you referred to, is Glen Nelson of Flipper Dave. I\'ve always enjoyed their shows that are open to the public. They do jam. Glen\'s song on their myspace page "Farm Boy" is cool.
Regarding moe down, they\'re probably playing a side stage or a kids tent or such, so I don\'t think they\'re putting the boys out of a job or anything!
excatly. im not sure what is meant by the term kids\' jamband. but I definitely remember seeing and hearing them. so who knows. if so they must be really good, maybe the breakfast can get their keyboard player. j/k
here ya go.