Anyway I do support the guys in their efforts now I just am not as enthralled as I once was that\'s all.
That was my first reaction after I heard the news... especially after I heard Beardslee was Jordan\'s last show the day AFTER the show (and I had decided at the last minute not to make it to that show... I definitely would have otherwise...)..
but then I went to Providence and Southbridge, and, well... I have never seen 3 people put so much effort into creating live music on stage.
I dig the Breakfast trio! For all I care they can remain a power trio forever and never get another keyboard player.
I\'m really looking forward to my next shows in Burlington and Albany because as a 3 part band it seems like Breakfast is really taking the jams into some new and crazy places.. I mean this band was never *predictable* but after 40 shows or whatever you can predict a lot of whats going to happen. Those last 2 shows as a trio were totally unpredictable!
For some reason both the Southbridge and Providence recordings don\'t stand out as "best ever" when I listen to them again... but, screw it, my mind was blown on both occasions.