pec will your taper be there early enough to get our set?
chris you are the man. we\'ve got a two camera setup and i\'d like to have some good sounding audio. sadly, they cant stick around for the breakfast.p.s. i think robyn and todd are planning on getting there early.
what are you talking about spacecase? i sent him the Jim Thopre show from last October. this is a show from the spring tour.April 14th, 2006 - River Street Jazz Café; Plains, PAI: jam > Doughboy, Cut Me Some Slack, Puppetry > Attraction To Shade Ditty > Garcian Fishbowl >Vera Street > Garcian Fishbowl > Puppetry, jam > Sleeping Beauty, Score, Karma Police*II: jam > Gravity > LDZ > 50 Ways To Leave Your Lover, Intension >Gladys Pimp & Kangaroos With Me > BugsE: Beef Barley > Drum Solo > Hot For Teacher* Radiohead cover; first time buddy was the only taper. he supposedly sent the discs yesterday, so i should have them tomorrow.
found: taper.