Author Topic: Idiot shoots rare bear- Nobody seems to mind  (Read 7653 times)


  • El Cuco
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Idiot shoots rare bear- Nobody seems to mind
« on: May 12, 2006, 11:53:59 am »
You can check out the full story here:
If you\'re too lazy to read it here are some bullet points

-The bear is a grizzly/polar hybrid, the 1st found in the wild.

-Science finds it fascinating genetically;  hunters call it "a great trophy"

-The hunter paid $45,000 for a polar bear hunting license in Canada

-The hunter is 65 years old (senseless aggression is never cool, but shouldn\'t this old coot have mellowed out by now?)

-If it were ruled a grizzly the hunter would have gone to jail for a year

-The hunter is currently hunting grizzly, this time with a permit

-This one of a kind creature is now dead.

:no: :hair:
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  • Drunken Garbage Can
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Idiot shoots rare bear- Nobody seems to mind
« Reply #1 on: May 12, 2006, 12:01:13 pm »
hey, my dad is going black bear hunting in a couple weeks. the difference is we eat what we kill
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  • El Cuco
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Idiot shoots rare bear- Nobody seems to mind
« Reply #2 on: May 12, 2006, 12:14:13 pm »
Quote from: derickw
the difference is we eat what we kill

/\\/\\/\\ Big time.  I\'m not a vegetarian, and I\'ve had vension from people\'s hunts myself (no bear though).  To me then it\'s no different than slaughtering a cow for a hamburger.  
However this fool paid $45K to shoot a bear! FORTY FIVE FUCKING THOUSAND DOLLARS! Some people don\'t make that it a year!

Then on top of it he takes his picture with it like he\'s some bad-ass.  I really don\'t understand this under ANY circumstance.  How would these hunters like it if I knocked them out (bare handed mind you) then took a picture with their unconscious body in a head-lock while :D and giving a big :thumbsup: with my free hand.

Bear instead of cow= okay why not
Big tough hunting man out for trophy=jackass
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  • Drunken Garbage Can
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Idiot shoots rare bear- Nobody seems to mind
« Reply #3 on: May 12, 2006, 12:29:56 pm »
Quote from: wildcoyote
Quote from: derickw
the difference is we eat what we kill

/\\/\\/\\ Big time.  I\'m not a vegetarian, and I\'ve had vension from people\'s hunts myself (no bear though).  To me then it\'s no different than slaughtering a cow for a hamburger.  
However this fool paid $45K to shoot a bear! FORTY FIVE FUCKING THOUSAND DOLLARS! Some people don\'t make that it a year!

Then on top of it he takes his picture with it like he\'s some bad-ass.  I really don\'t understand this under ANY circumstance.  How would these hunters like it if I knocked them out (bare handed mind you) then took a picture with their unconscious body in a head-lock while :D and giving a big :thumbsup: with my free hand.

Bear instead of cow= okay why not
Big tough hunting man out for trophy=jackass

i agree and $45K ya, way to spend your money wisely asshole
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  • teamCosmicSpacewayRhyme
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Idiot shoots rare bear- Nobody seems to mind
« Reply #4 on: May 12, 2006, 12:36:53 pm »
Big tough hunting man out for trophy=jackass

everything else aside, you obviously dont hunt.


  • El Cuco
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Idiot shoots rare bear- Nobody seems to mind
« Reply #5 on: May 12, 2006, 12:49:03 pm »
Quote from: wiredchicken
everything else aside, you obviously dont hunt.

Correct.  Point?
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Idiot shoots rare bear- Nobody seems to mind
« Reply #6 on: May 12, 2006, 01:59:43 pm »
I think it\'s sad that this was shot and killed rather than tagged and released for study, but I don\'t see that big of an issue. My only issue is that I don\'t agree with hunting for trophy. I know several hunters (especially deer), and all of them hunt and eat what they  kill, like derick mentioned.  After all, you\'ve heard of the food chain, haven\'t you?

Kidding aside, I also know several vegeterians and some vegans. Neither group bothers me. I\'m somewhere in the middle, with very little red meat in my diet (a few times every couple of months is a lot). If the hunter recognised that there was something different about the bear, asumed it was a unique hybrid and still shot then he is at fault. But even if that\'s true, he would never admit to it.

If you read the article, you know that this hybrid has been speculated for years but never identified in the wild. They have cross bread in captivity. That means that this was not the only one. Also, as the climate changes and grizzlies move even further north into polar bear teritory, more cross breading will happen. It\'s evolution baby.
"i heard that after he crossed the finish line he proceeded to wrestle down and pin a full sized grizzly bear"- ds673488

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  • Drunken Garbage Can
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Idiot shoots rare bear- Nobody seems to mind
« Reply #7 on: May 12, 2006, 02:30:04 pm »
mulatto bears.... what is this world coming to........ everybody should just f*ck everybody else that way there won\'t be any one race........

mmmmmm bear stew........ i had some wild boar a week or two ago to good stuff
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  • El Cuco
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Idiot shoots rare bear- Nobody seems to mind
« Reply #8 on: May 12, 2006, 03:28:52 pm »
Just noticed Derick\'s Jager avt. is an IV bag.

I was once told Jagermeister translates to Master Hunter and the writing on the label is a German poem that roughly translated says the hunter should care for his game, hunt with honor, and honor God and his creations. *

Very appropriate for this thread.  

*The cirumstances under which I heard this information are unreliable at best. It may well be bullshit (or common knowledge for that matter)
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  • Drunken Garbage Can
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Idiot shoots rare bear- Nobody seems to mind
« Reply #9 on: May 12, 2006, 04:07:58 pm »
First of all...what\'s with that label? Way back in the seventh century, a young lad named Hubertus was envied for his purity (remember, this is only a legend). Theoderich of Burgundy was one of these jealous sorts, and so waged war against Hubertus and his uncle, Pipin (when was the last time you spoke to your Uncle Pipin?). By defeating Theoderich, Hubertus proved himself valiant in battle and dashing in a codpiece, and so won the hand of the beautiful princess, Floribana. Together they lived happily with the benefits of wealth, good fortune, and clear skin.
Alas, alas, the good Princess soon fell ill and died. Sigh.

In his grief, Hubertus turned away from the sumptuous life of royalty and became a solitary figure, often going to the woods to hunt alone. During one of these hunting trips, Hubertus encountered a splendid stag with a cross that appeared to float between its antlers (and no, Hubertus had not been drinking at the time). The vision moved Hubertus to change his life. He gave all his material possessions to the poor, gave up his title, and founded several monasteries. After his death, Hubertus was made a saint and became the Patron Saint of Hunters.

This is the hunter\'s badge of honor,
that he protect and nourish his game,
hunt sportingly, as is proper,
and honor the Creator in creation.

just thought some people might be interested
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  • NewHampshire Fordamnsure
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Idiot shoots rare bear- Nobody seems to mind
« Reply #10 on: May 12, 2006, 08:23:10 pm »
Douche bags killing animals so they can stuff them and look at them later...RAR people are so macho and stupid! I hope he gets eaten by a hybrid bear
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  • Mrs. Tickler
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Idiot shoots rare bear- Nobody seems to mind
« Reply #11 on: May 12, 2006, 10:44:51 pm »
Quote from: derickw
mulatto bears.... what is this world coming to........ everybody should just f*ck everybody else that way there won\'t be any one race........

rotfl rotfl
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  • suckin seaweed
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Idiot shoots rare bear- Nobody seems to mind
« Reply #12 on: May 13, 2006, 04:35:56 pm »
once again i am proud to be a human

long live batman!!
« Last Edit: May 13, 2006, 04:35:56 pm by Lexington »
caress me, aunt jemima