100% agree with all of you about announcing earlier dates.
Prime examples of lack of promotion are everywhere and with every show. I hate to say it, but I believe that .info has been responsible for promotion of every show since they returned to CT.
It does seem like it. I used to be totally fine with this, when I went to college and could recruit several new heads for most of the PB/Breakfast shows I went to. I figured if each SER fan like myself brought along a few people the scene would gradually blossom.
However, what I\'ve seen is pretty modest growth since 2002. And now its oh-six and I\'m not in school any more and I live up in the woods and its hard as shit to get people to go to a Breakfast show with me. And many of these shows are a 2-3-4 hour drive for me so going there in advance to paste fliers up isn\'t an option.
Basically I\'m no longer able to do what I used to consider "my part" promoting the band-- but I\'m down with Breakfast more than I\'ve ever been so I get kind of frustrated on behalf of the band, when, for example, I drive to Syracuse from Mass with 1 other person for a 2 night run, and see that little Mezzanotte Lounge isn\'t nearly as packed as it should be.
My question is, isn\'t somebody getting paid to do promotion?
If so, shows being announced just over a week before they happen should not happen. Like it\'s been pointed out.. SER fans are willing to make the drive! But we also need to be able to plan ahead.
If shows exist but aren\'t posted on .NET, .INFO, and Jambase that\'s just bad coordination. I used to only look on Jambase for a couple years to see when shows were going on, and I bet plenty of people still do.
There was a time when I thought this music would sell its self. Apparently that\'s not the case, even as Breakfast is 10x nastier now than they were when I started catching shows.