I love the picture where SallyAlli looks like she is about to fly away. Also the one where she and Princess looks like snow queens.
Why does Gavin always look devious in photos?
What is that purple shit on the table?!
And, is it just me or does Elisa have purty eyes? 
haha i came upstairs to find a giggly sallyalli jumping on my bed. i tried and i hit my head! :doh:
gavin, you\'re a sexy beast, dont let anyone tell you otherwise. you do have a bezerk look about you at times though...
ellis-d\'s wax art nearly gave me a heart attack on carla\'s hand-made table.....
...and you folks like my eyes only because you\'ve seen through them to the depths of my soul
you guys are too friggen cute, i wanna squeeze the shit outta every one of yous.
i wish you had come gregg! you were sincerely missed. i will redeem that squeeze at a later date !!!
i would love to kiss you igzy, but thats a differnt story.
something gives me the feeling that Igzy\'s not gay.... just a hunch.