Phyllobates terribilis... do you have the yellow-orange or mint-green ones? FYI, these are so named because, in nature, they are the most toxic of all the poison dart frog species... most are not toxic enough to kill a human, but the terribilis are... indians will rub their spear heads and blowgun darts on the skin of these frogs to make them toxic... hence the name poison dart frog.
Fortunately, it is a chemical compound in the wild diet (ants perhaps) that their body uses to make the poison... when you feed them a captive diet of crickets and flys, they are completely non-toxic.
Although I still have the tanks set up with plants, I sold all of my frogs... the flys are easy to breed, but they are nearly impossible to completely contain. I got sick of seeing them all over my snake room, and as time went on, all these flys attracted a ton of spiders... I hate spiders.
Derick, depending on the species, you can keep a sexed pair in a 20gal tank. If you don\'t have a male & female, like sexes will fight... especially the females. As far as how much work they are, I would say the biggest pain is breeding the flies you have to feed them... it\'s not difficult, but it is kinda nasty. Other than that, all you really have to do is throw some flies or pinhead (baby) crickets in there 4 or 5 times a week and trim back the plants when they start to look overgrown.