Author Topic: home speaker issues (help content)  (Read 2443 times)


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home speaker issues (help content)
« on: January 23, 2006, 04:47:13 pm »
ok, so at long last ive picked up the polk monitor 10B\'s. here\'s the thing, i\'m getting a serious low end rattle/buzz. it was in the left speaker, i switched their inputs and now its in the right. does that mean my outputs are screwy? i\'m running a pioneer VSX 405 which has a ton of outs (for surround) and hasn\'t had this problem til i put in these speakers. the mid and high ends seem to be fine, its just the low end that gets fuzzy when running through the right channel. would that be an output thing? seems kinda specific for it to be that. like, if the whole right channel was screwy, fine, but only the lower frequencies of the right channel? it is also much worse when i have the superbass on, but its still there normally... actually, it seems to be the lower registers of jimi\'s voice, too.

anyone have any idea???


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home speaker issues (help content)
« Reply #1 on: January 23, 2006, 04:55:47 pm »
It sounds like a grounding issue perhaps.

If you disconnect everything from the amp (ie. DVD player, cassette deck, cd player etc) does the humming go away ?

I would disconnect everything and add the components back in 1 at a time see when and if the buzz returns. could be as simple as the polarity on the speaker cable but thats where i would start
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home speaker issues (help content)
« Reply #2 on: January 23, 2006, 05:18:34 pm »
yeah, i\'ve checked the polarity and its not that, unfortunately. i like quick fixes, but that doesn\'t seem to be what\'s wrong. and its not just a humming, it sounds like the woofer is rattling, like a blown speaker. except that when i switch it to the left channel, it goes away and the other speaker starts doing it. which makes me think the speakers are fine and is why i\'m so stumped.

do you think i should still try unplugging everything? cause right now, i\'ll try anything....


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home speaker issues (help content)
« Reply #3 on: January 23, 2006, 05:45:22 pm »
Quote from: kindm\'s
It sounds like a grounding issue perhaps.

If you disconnect everything from the amp (ie. DVD player, cassette deck, cd player etc) does the humming go away ?

I would disconnect everything and add the components back in 1 at a time see when and if the buzz returns.
Unfortunately, it doesn\'t sound like a "quick fix"

One other thing...did you try a different speaker cable? Could just be a bad cable. Low end is more finicky.
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home speaker issues (help content)
« Reply #4 on: January 23, 2006, 05:48:10 pm »
well if the issue follows a channel then it is something with the hook ups.

How many components do u have ? have you checked to make sure that right and left channels didnt get swaped when connected an anlog component (ie RCA)

tell we what your playback system is and it might help
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home speaker issues (help content)
« Reply #5 on: January 23, 2006, 06:01:32 pm »
speaker cables~ brand new monster cables and adapters. i\'ve clipped the ends on both twice now, to see if that\'s it, but it doesn\'t seem to be. especially since they sound fine going through the left channel.

system~ totally frankensteined. pioneer vsx405 receiver, onkyo r1 dual tape deck, sony cdp-ce375 5 disc changer (also brand new), pinoeer pl518 turntable and magnavox mdv430 dvd player. the problem happens with both the cd & tape decks.

everything is correctly right and left-ed. it seems to come and go some. it was fine during voodoo chile (slight return) (and some other electric ladyland tracks), but came right back on story of a ghost.


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home speaker issues (help content)
« Reply #6 on: January 23, 2006, 06:10:13 pm »
Quote from: jking
speaker cables~ brand new monster cables and adapters. i\'ve clipped the ends on both twice now, to see if that\'s it, but it doesn\'t seem to be. especially since they sound fine going through the left channel.

system~ totally frankensteined. pioneer vsx405 receiver, onkyo r1 dual tape deck, sony cdp-ce375 5 disc changer (also brand new), pinoeer pl518 turntable and magnavox mdv430 dvd player. the problem happens with both the cd & tape decks.

everything is correctly right and left-ed. it seems to come and go some. it was fine during voodoo chile (slight return) (and some other electric ladyland tracks), but came right back on story of a ghost.

OK. if it is not happening with all your components then the reciever is OK, your speaker cables are not the issue.

If it is just the cd & tape deck then what do they have in common ?

Are you using analog connections for eevrything or is the DVD player COAX or Optical ?
"You can bet everything will come to an end. It's going to be ugly and it's going to be a mess, and it's going to be something that somebody did in the name of God...."

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home speaker issues (help content)
« Reply #7 on: January 23, 2006, 06:31:18 pm »
i\'m using analog connections for everything.

the tv seems to be fine (mtv2 hip hop show had no distortion), but the dvd of zepplin is buzzing away at a far lower volume than the tv was. and story of a ghost was one big fuzzfest even turned *way* down. i need to replace the needle before i try the turntable.
edited to add~ well, there was some hiss with the tv, but that\'s a whole other deal.

i guess i\'ll take the dog for a walk and start unhooking all the components.