Author Topic: BT/LMA: 2005-10-29 - 7th Annual Fonghoulish Freakout: Webster Theatre; Hartford, CT  (Read 6612 times)


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good deal, so when will beardslee be up
Merge futhermucker just you merge You futhermucker merge merge futhermucker now

You can turn your back on a person, but never turn your back on a drug, especially when its waving a razor sharp hunting knife in your eye - Raoul duke - Hunter S. Thompson, Fear&Loathing

Gimme breakfast..................


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the response from

Just because you claim it is legal does not make it so. There are still
copyright issues with this music. Posting such links is not permitted. GK @ 11/2/2005 11:49:58 AM


clueless.. i\'m debating whether or not i should waste my time with a response..


  • life got in the way
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^^That\'s shitty what\'s he gonna do call George Lucas or John Williams?  It\'s not liek it\'s being sold, like any other cover it\'s only illegal if you are making $$ off of the recording but it is only being traded.
Everywhere there\'s lots of piggies, Living piggy lives. You can see them out for dinner With their piggy wives, Clutching forks and knives To eat their bacon


  • South Shore BreakfastHead
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awesome show, damn shame i missed it....i really like how the new tunes are shaping out, ep3 is siiiiiiiiiiiick.
This isn\'t who it would be if it wasn\'t who it is.

"Part of me suspects that I\'m a loser, and the other part of me thinks I\'m God Almighty. " -John Lennon


  • Zig Zag Wanderer
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now also available in.wma format on  43.5mb  ;)
Today is only Yesterdays Tomorrow[/I][/B]


  • the Bohr to your Einstein
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I think his argumjent is that the williams pieces are copyrighted to williams, so did he give authorization for the performance and distribution of a recording? etc. technically there is a point, but the breakfast is no different than the pops performing a piece of selected music, so either way the argument is pretty unfounded.
"i heard that after he crossed the finish line he proceeded to wrestle down and pin a full sized grizzly bear"- ds673488

"if i listened to the distance on repeat, i\'d be wearing yellow jerseys like a motherfucker" - zuke


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Are there any more of the posters for this show available?