Total Members Voted: 53
Voting closed: July 12, 2005, 05:00:44 pm
and all you Rufus-ers would be scratching your asses with bewilderment if there was a 7-1-05 Buquebus.
or are old school tunes just superior?
Yeah I think a lot of them are, and I really wish I could hear them on an album with the quality mix on Real Radio and the more mature playing the guys have now. Imagine if they reissued Deuce with a better recording and their playing/singing as it is now. That would be just plain silly.
Quote from: jocelynYeah I think a lot of them are, and I really wish I could hear them on an album with the quality mix on Real Radio and the more mature playing the guys have now. Imagine if they reissued Deuce with a better recording and their playing/singing as it is now. That would be just plain silly.amen. ive heard some speak of Real Radio as a disc that actually has "hooks" and \'catchy this and that\', but the music that was being produced/written from their early stages (incl. some of thee best tracks on RR) are simply, as jocelyn puts it, plain silly. i actually read some dude\'s book (published in \'03) at high sierra and Psychedelic Breakfast\'s review was interesting. they talked about the problem people have getting beyond the name, but once they do they could be floored by the incredible musicianship and songwriting. yada yada yada, mentioned palmieri as a lead guitar extraordinaire, yada yada yada. and then it ranked albums something like:Psychedelic Breakfast (1999) 1 1/2*\'sDeuce (2001) 2 1/2*\'sBona Fide (2002) 3 1/2*\'si went on to read a bunch of other band write-ups where Phish had an album called "Round Room" ranked at 3 1/2*\'s. oh yeah, i think Undermind also got 3 1/2 or just 3*\'s. my question is, who the fuck is giving Deuce only 2 1/2*\'s????icantbelievethesepeoplehave\'meaningful\'opinionssomewhereinthejambandworld??damncocksuckers???roundroomandunderminddeserve2starscombined???deuceshouldgetabout5(onascaleof5)??ithinkimgonnatrytowritefora\'popular\'jambandmagazinenow????SHOWSOMEFUCKINGRESPECTFORTHEBESTBITCHES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!??