On 2-26-2004 Psychedelic Breakfast changed their name to The Breakfast. This has created some confusion on how shows were being labeled and archived.
The Breakfast now has it\'s own new listing in the Internet archive database. Any show on or after 2-26-2004 should have the prefix label "breakfast" for example breakfast2004-02-26.flac
http://www.archive.org/audio/etreelisting-browse.php?collection=etree&cat=The%20Breakfast All Psychedelic Breakfast shows still use the prefix "pb” for example pb2004-02-25.flac
http://www.archive.org/audio/etreelisting-browse.php?collection=etree&cat=The%20BreakfastAs long as we use the correct prefix, The Archive will automatically place the show in the correct listing.
Both bands are linked together through the policy page with an explanation of the name change and dates.
For reference, here’s the policy page for both bands:
http://www.archive.org/audio/etree-band-details.php?band=Psychedelic%20Breakfast http://www.archive.org/audio/etree-band-details.php?band=The%20Breakfast Here are some discussions I had with Tyler at etree:
“As far as cross listing shows, the system does it\'s best, but it has a hard time listing two bands in the same page. It just can\'t be done. It is a fairly uncommon thing, but the best solution I could come up with is having direct \'browse all shows\' links from The Breakfast pointing to PB on their policy page, and the same pointing to TB from PB\'s policy page.”
“We can\'t do that, it is technically possible i think, but it is hard because of the way the system works.”
I think I just counted 45 or so shows that have the old pb prefix that now need to be changed to breakfast to be categorically slotted into the new name of the band.
<“Yes, the prefix of all the files needs to be changed and the md5 needs to be edited. but you shouldn\'t have to re-upload each music file, that would be a rediculous waste of a lot of hours. We might be able to do the file prefix changes on our end (jon ? simon?) and take care of it that way. but again, the file admins are really swamped, so it might take a little time. What i would recommend for you to do is for all shows that need to be moved to the new "The Breakfast" section and their prefix\'s changed, fill out en error report (on the left side of a show\'s details page) with a generic statement to the exent of what you want done and what the admin should change the file prefix to on all the files and the md5 (breakfast). It mgiht take a while, but it would get done eventaully. when the file prefixes are changed, the system should automatically route the show to the \'The Breakfast" section and there should be no trace of it anymore in "Psychedelic Breakfast"....”