There are still plenty of fans to gain in the north- east leath.
Its easy to just tell the band to tour around the country but, it\'s easier said than done.
I sure do miss Cali though:(
Sure there is but if you think there is enough to sustain and GROW your fanbase significantly to a point of "being back in the Driver\'s seat" over a fest appearance or 2 I think you are delusional.
That territory has been gone over and over and since you came back pretty much exclusively. As far as I can tell from posts on this board and talking to people there so far no noticeable increase in crowd is being talked about. I can only assume the band\'s paydays have stayed about the same.
Sure it\'s ez for me to tell the band to travel. It\'s also ez for me to keep my mouth shut and not promote the band because people will never see them. That\'s where I\'m at now. I bring up the band and people have no idea what I\'m talking about. Some kind of remember there being a Psychedelic Breakfast "a long time ago" You guys wouldn\'t even draw 50 people to Winstons as I type this and that is what really sucks.
The music is as great as it ever has been if not the best it has ever been but no one knows about it but for us. Even touring hard nationally for the next 2 years and the band would still be in the same spot now so I get the focus it just sucks to think about realistically.