i guess my point is more that, if you support the rights of one constitutional watchdog to exist and \'protect\' a certain amdenment, then you have to support the rights of them all, in theory.
you may not agree with specific issues/policies a particular group may have, but if you support the need for (or rights of) constitutional protectors, you need to support them all.
i generally see the problem as folks who support #2 generally support the nra, but a lot of folks who i\'ve talked to around here who support the nra don\'t support groups like the aclu. now, if there were individual groups for each amendment/constitutional guarantee, it\'d be a lot easier. folks could still be opposed to methods or policies, but you\'re not gonna hear many people making the \'those liberal amendment #5 loving commies!!\' comments as you do \'those liberal, aclu-loving commies\'.
i think its easy to hate on the aclu because they take up such a wide range of cases that if you aren\'t a supporter of one issue, you can write off the whole organization.