when arriving at daniel st last night, it looked like it was going to be an acoustic show. realllly light crowd and for whatever reason, the tables that are usually out of the way at electric shows were still out so a lot of people were sitting down during the show.. i think a good 15 of us were up infront the whole night though.
zuke is right about the jamming in this show. totally unexpected and extraordinary stuff last night. i remember the beef jam being intense and pretty much all of the jams in the second set were pretty out there but great. sooo happy to hear eppy2!!
sucks that only a handfull of people got to see this last night. i definitely plan on downloading it as soon as i can.
i hear chadwick did sound. how did he do ?
the very beginning of the show was kinda iffy...something weird was going on with the drums but sounded okay after that issue was fixed which lasted only like 5 or 10 minutes.
i should also add that the lights last night were AWESOME!