whats happening in december 2012?
mayan LONG COUNT calendar is going to end. Which is just the final part of the equation in a very beautiful math equation made in started on 8/11/3114 b.c by our current roman calendar. Imagine if our calendar was a math equation in base 10 (metric intervals). The equation basically says then (using our phrases)
10 days = 1 week
10 weeks = 1 year
10 years = 1 decade
10 decades = 1 century
10 centuries = eon
10 eons = 1 [...everything?..]
and so on. When you get to the highest possible level, a B\'ak\'tun, you\'ve moved approximately 390 years forward. 14 B\'ak\'tuns is the end of the cycle. You have finished one um, everything or existence or time, or whatever else you want to say. To put one more day in would have you starting the whole thing over again at day one and the equation would take another 5,126 years to cycle through to 2 _
(all time)\'s_, and since you\'d have to do another 12 of them in order to complete the cycle up to the next level, you would have to write not just an additional 5,126 years of dates, but another 61,512 dates. Since they were doing this mostly with chisel and stone and it wasn\'t just putting in dates, but entering solar events like full moons and the like, would you want to stop now, or take everything you\'ve done and keep working an additional 13 times over? So they stopped the equation. It was nice and tidy and saved a couple of generations of carpultunnel. Now as 2012 approaches, everyone is freaking out that the world is going to end, just like they all did a thousand other times something happened like a turn of a century (y2k anyone?), halley\'s comet, countless calls of the rapture, and so on going back thousands of years. Hell, they thought columbus was one of their gods coming to take them to heaven when he landed, which is why they treated him so nicely.
Anyway, there are some celestial events that are going to happen that will coincide with this date that have never happened before in the history of the universe as far as we know, so if they did actually predict this, it\'s very impressive. If they didn\'t and it\'s just when they got bored and stopped making the calendar and is a major coincidence we don\'t know.
One thing is for sure though: anything like this that has ever come to light will start low years before with people who actually know something about it. The closer you get to the event, the more news will pick up on it as a fear mongering subject and everyone will start talking about it with little to no information and you\'ll start to hear things like "ancient mayans predicted that the world will end this winter!" when they never did anything of the sort. They just finished an equation and stopped writing. Just because a calendar ends on 12/31/08 doesn\'t mean there wont be a 1/1/09, but that\'s basically how it will be treated. By the end of summer you will have major news stations doing hour long specials on it and it will be all anyone is talking about. In december people will be self proclaimed experts, attendance at churches will skyrocket, there will probably be some looting and then...
the sun will come up the next morning and I\'ll laugh at all the idiots who freaked out the night before the same way I did after y2k.
I just gave you plenty of information to make a fortune playing off of peoples fears and stupidity if you\'re into that kind of thing though. Go write a book, do a circuit of talk shows and get people scared that they\'re going to die. Take there money and sit back and relax.