I have had some pretty bizarre dreams the past few nights, which I attribute to not sleeping much and being upset. But, this one is somewhat amusing.
I got a job working for Davepeck. My office was out on the deck of the house I grew up in in MA. I was really mad at him because he was leaving to go on a trip and I was stuck working on a weekend. There was a giant machine on the deck, which I was suppose to "get the system online." This entailed plugging in all sorts of cable, and assembling weird gadgets that were at the ends of long wires. I was totally confused and very frustrated.
Then I was back home which was a duplex, the other half of which plainandsimple owned. BUT for some reason Slimpickins was there, and I was showing him my lizard, who was being really mean and squirming around and scratching me.
Plainandsimple came in and showed me this really cool silver ball he had, which was made of some sort of gel or liquid and floated just above his palm. He was tossing it around gently (though he never actually made contact with it.) He tossed it to me, and I tried to toss it back to him, but I threw it too hard, and it turned into a cylinder shape, which grew bigger and bigger. A snake head came out of the cylinder, and it was gigantic and open-mouthed. I knew it was my fault and that I had really fucked everything up. The snake was then trying to attack us, so I chopped off its head. I am not sure with what. But a new head came out of the cylinder, bigger than the last one. I tried chopping it off a few more times, with the same result. BUT then Slimpickens opened a window and got ahold of the snake-cylinder, which curled around and latched onto his arm. He managed to shove it out the window, get it off of him, and close the window, and I knew then that he was about the most awesome person ever.
End of dream.