As a Ser Breakfast Fan, I have posted on this board a number of times with pretty wild declarations. I certainly remember saying "The next time the Breakfast is in Colorado I will be there." That definitely didn\'t happen. I have made numerous claims that I would be doing all I could to travel to Chicago, or Toronto, or Virginia, or California to see sick shows. Sorry chip. All lies. That is, until April 10th, 2008.
Through a stroke of luck, I already had a vacation scheduled for a few of the days the Breakfast was to be playing in California. Although I had planned on driving to South Carolina, I realized that with an extra day off, some proper planning, and a little help from my friends (namely Leith and Al Z) I could finally see what the West Coast has to offer my favorite touring band.
I took off from Bradley International at 6:30 am on Thursday morning, thanks to a blearey-eyed TaintFace cartin\' my ass at a ridiculous hour. (thanks dude) I slept well on the plane and landed in San Diego at 11:30 with absolutely perfect weather (which turned out to be a theme) greeting me, along with Leith, bearing heady nug. What followed was an amazing day of touring Sandy Eggo- seeing the beach and the Pacific Ocean, awesome views of the whole city from atop a mountain side cliff, some cool museums, Petco Park (pictures to come when I finally return home, Booztravlr), and New Haven pizza (which was a totally surreal experience complete with a David Wells sighting that you can relive
here through the eyes of DavePeck).
Moving into the evening, we arrived very early to Winston\'s, which turned out to be a good thing after realizing I had left my license at Leith\'s house 15 mins away. Winston\'s was pretty cool, with ample dancing room and some high top tables in the back of the room. Sort of Daniel Street-ish in size, but with better beer. I focused a good deal of time reconnecting with a cousin I had not seen in 7 years who came down to the show, but Mayfly opened things up in a great way, and The Sound and Eschers II sounded really good to me in the first set. Although I am a Team Rufus for lifer, 2nd set was all about Mooboos to me- lots of fun with me, Dave, Mike, and Leith lovin\' life in the front row. For all three shows I attended, crowd size was pretty equal- peaking somewhere around a hunj or so but usually dwindling a little bit by the end. This show definitely had the least crowd energy of the three I saw (the crowds at Crepe and Crown Room were off the chizzain), but it was a fun time and everyone certainly left on a high note.
After a nice night of sleep on Leith\'s living room floor, I took a ride to the airport around 1 pm and took a flight to
San Fransisco