while i wasn\'t at Breakfest or Big Up, this was as strong as a show as any that I\'ve seen all year(Toad\'s, Tammany, Church of Boston).. Set I: jam > See the Light> Score, Metropolis, May Fly Disarray, Hard Luck Harry > Rush was all fierce as hell. The Score was jammed out to Gladys type levels and the Mayfly jam went way out there before finding its way back to the Ahoy! part. My one complaint would be ending the show w/ Asscracks, VT Song and The Chase. Those are 3 typical encore songs or set closers, and all 3 in a row was a tad much. They could\'ve played one more heavy hitter, and just played one of those and really tore the place down. That being said, all three versions of each of those songs were on point too, so it was fine by me once they got into those tunes.