Author Topic: G.o.t.v.?  (Read 8671 times)


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« Reply #90 on: June 02, 2007, 08:24:18 pm »
Quote from: OMC;147574
Quote from: TreyChica;147568
Why don\'t you shut the fuck up and do it yourself....

There is not enough money to be made. Not to mention there would have to be a lot of changes, starting with your attitude!

Quote from: Rujah;147570
i think the music should speak for itself

In theory you are correct. But in reality you are wrong.

Umm, so why are you here again? There\'s nothing wrong with my attitude. I don\'t hop onto fan message boards only to toot my own horn about how much of a corporate, soulless scumbag I am. If you really came here to "help" the band, you would be in DIRECT contact with them, Crescendo booking, and Phil their manager.  Bottom line FANS DON\'T HAVE A SAY. The band does. It\'s THEM who decides to hire who. So unless you plan on adding something conducive to the band\'s careerpath please leave.  You aren\'t even close to being the first to point out their weak points and you sure as hell won\'t be the last.
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« Reply #91 on: June 02, 2007, 09:02:07 pm »
Quote from: OMC;147567
Quote from: Rujah;147556
With the addition of a keyboardist (if and when that happens) this band will be "buzzworthy"

 Not to mention 9 out of 10 people have never heard of this band.

10%; you are very generous! :biggrin:

Quote from: TreyChica;147578

Umm, so why are you here again? There\'s nothing wrong with my attitude. I don\'t hop onto fan message boards only to toot my own horn about how much of a corporate, soulless scumbag I am. If you really came here to "help" the band, you would be in DIRECT contact with them, Crescendo booking, and Phil their manager.  Bottom line FANS DON\'T HAVE A SAY. The band does. It\'s THEM who decides to hire who. So unless you plan on adding something conducive to the band\'s careerpath please leave.  You aren\'t even close to being the first to point out their weak points and you sure as hell won\'t be the last.

Where are those boxing glove emoticons when you need them?
« Last Edit: June 02, 2007, 09:02:07 pm by alexanderzurflu »
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« Reply #92 on: June 02, 2007, 10:36:44 pm »
no, wait..

OMC, while you\'re here, can we please get your professional opinion on each of the names in the Great Band Name Thread? kthx.


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« Reply #93 on: June 03, 2007, 02:38:05 pm »
Quote from: davepeck;147583
no, wait..

OMC, while you\'re here, can we please get your professional opinion on each of the names in the Great Band Name Thread? kthx.

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« Reply #94 on: June 03, 2007, 08:49:46 pm »

just read through this thread, quality stuff from this OMC character.

I\'m pretty sure that the breakfast have made it clear that music is more important to them than money.  Yes, they could alter the quality of their music and make more money, its called selling out and lots of people enjoy the benefits  of it (including jon mayer).  The fact is that the band is sexy enough to do this. The breakfast impress me because they are sincere, Jon mayer bores me because he is not.  I\'m pretty sure the boys would rather be sincere musicians and people than have fat wallets.  

this omc character on the other hand is only concerened about the "bottom-line" which is fine if you are dealing with soulless LA Bullshit "music" that has consistently destroyed the quality and content of what is considered music in popular culture over the past 50 years.  

The Bottom-Line is bang for the buck, how do I make the most money? fuck the music, wheres the dough?  Does that lead to inspired music? No.


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« Reply #95 on: June 03, 2007, 08:59:25 pm »
Quote from: siflandollie;147631
I\'m pretty sure that the breakfast have made it clear that music is more important to them than money.

and i\'m pretty sure that if this were truly the case, the band would be playing more nights than friday and saturday, and more regions than the northeast.