Holly that "right to bear arms" is now not what it was intended to be. Really.
Are you in any way implying that "the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed", as stated in the second amendment of the Bill of rights, somehow does not imply an individual right?
Not at all. I am just saying the right was meant for purposes entirely outdated. Please give me an example of how in this day and age our right to bare arms in order to protect ourselves from tyranny in government is in any way effective?
Not only is the government armed thousandfold what any group of armed citizens could come up with, the government can suspend ALL of our rights with Martial Law.
Then what?
Anyway this is not about the 2nd Amendment it is about how SF kicks ass in leading the charge to clean up the environment by regulating wasteful practices like the nonbiodegradable plastic grocery bags.
I didn\'t read the article, just the argumentation. Is this a ban just on grocery shopping bags? Or is it a ban on all plastic bags, like garbage bags and the like? I wanna see how reusing a canvas garbage bad works out for the \'smell\' of san fran.
My best friend is in the ink and polymer business. He prints on those plastic bags that you get everywhere.
where abouts? I need a new job, and that\'s exactly what I my abilities/skills would be good for.
Just nonbiodegradable plastic grocery bags
Umm there is this war in Iraq where a bunch of armed civilians have the greatest military on earth bogged down and losing a war. You might want to rethink your ideas about an armed populous.
Are u Ser? The reason they have the greatest military on earth bogged down is directly attributed to the mishandling of this war in EVERY aspect not that they are an armed populace.
Besides they are a people fighting against what they see as an invasion of their land.
We are talking about Americans.
Big difference.
So your saying that the reason our military is bogged down is because mis management from the white house ? Are you SER ? Sure they didn\'t put enough troops in there and that has a lot to do with it. But have a look at history. There are 300 Million americans. They cannot control our population now. Look at katrina, look at the war on drugs etc etc.
Now lets say that we have a popular uprising of civilians v. Gov. Not all the military is going to be gung ho about killing other americans, especially if they agree with the populous. then you take in to effect that the populous out numbers the standing army by millions. Then take in to effect the population helping to support and hide and etc.
Look at Vietnam. We put more boots on the ground there and lost. It is extremely difficult to fight an insurgency. That is why they always tell you that insurgency are not beat by military might alone. The end of conflict must be a political solution. The military power is greatly reduced when they cannot distinguish the enemy from normal folks. So OK if the US army took the gloves off and started killing everything that moves thats a different story but would not be how a Civil war would be fought in my opinion.
You are going to bring up Katrina when everyone knows a competent President would have done more than Bush. The War on Drugs? What War on Drugs?
Dude really? Americans cannot even get out to vote much less put together a cohesive insurgent militia.
Our Government has shown it has no problem killing it\'s own citizens so what makes you think the Military would all of a sudden balk at that?
As far as Vietnam that war was winnable but look who was in charge then also another crook probably too busy worrying about lining his pockets for the future than taking care of the war. Shitty war anyway we should not have been in just like Iraq.
Anyway you have a lot more faith in the everyday American than I could ever muster.
Good for you.