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« on: March 17, 2007, 06:36:07 am »

From wikipedias biased leftist propaganda slewn definition of

Conservapedia is a wiki project aiming to construct a free online encyclopedia, with articles that are purportedly pro-U.S., American-centered, socially conservative and supportive of conservative Christianity.

Wikipedia subscribes to a policy of writing from a neutral point of view incompatible with the intent to "favor Christianity and America" stated by Conservapedia. For example, Wikipedia treats evolution as mainstream; Conservapedia considers this treatment to be biased, alleging that "most Americans reject the theory of evolution"

Widely disseminated examples of Conservapedia articles that contradict the scientific consensus include the claims that all kangaroos descend from a single pair that were taken aboard Noah\'s Ark, and that "Einstein\'s work had nothing to do with the development of the atomic bomb."

Schlafly also defended the Kangaroo article as presenting a valid alternative to evolution.

Tom Flanagan, a conservative professor of political science at the University of Calgary has argued that Conservapedia is more about religion than conservatism and that it "is far more guilty of the crime they\'re attributing to Wikipedia" than Wikipedia itself.

"i heard that after he crossed the finish line he proceeded to wrestle down and pin a full sized grizzly bear"- ds673488

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« Reply #1 on: March 17, 2007, 07:51:53 am »
Sounds about right.

Recommended reading: Chris Hedges, "American Fascists: The Christian Right and the War on America"

Paul are you seriously calling the anyone-can-edit-it Wikipedia biased, and the by-definition-slanted Conservapedia... uhhh, objective? Looks about as Fair and Balanced as Bill O\'Reilly\'s "No Spin Zone".

Wikipedia = the most relevant pedia ever to exist, a modern combination of technology, community, and information
Conservapedia = like that, except for people who are afraid to read anything that might conflict with their narrow world view
« Last Edit: March 17, 2007, 07:57:50 am by bdfreetuna »
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« Reply #2 on: March 17, 2007, 03:53:26 pm »
Well, as a relatively conservative individual, I find thyis whole thing to be pretty offensive and insulting.

I do not personally know a single conservative (and I know a lot of them) who rejects the theory of evolution. Sure, these conservatives exist, but I do not think they are the majority.

To say that conservatives all reject the idea of evolution is about as ridiculous as saying all liberals are socialists.

And to always align the "Christian right" with the conservative movement is ignorant. It\'s like saying every quadrilateral is a square. Evert square is a quadrilateral, but it doesn\'t work the other way around.

And, by the way, if you want to get into fascism... guess what, it\'s the facists, not the conservatives, who are paving the way towards THAT bright shiny future by proposing and often passing a bazillion stupid laws telling you how to live every little facet of your life. It\'s the worst in hugely liberal states like California (sorry Leith.) Some of the laws seem pretty innocuous, some just annoying (eg, no smoking in any vehicle, including your own)... but it\'s the precedent these laws set that is to be feared. These liberals whined up a storm over the Patriot Act, but don\'t even blink when their personal freedoms are slowly chipped away at by facists.

Also, on a somewhat related note, I am so sick of water-carrying people (this being most of you, no offense) with blind, unwavering party affiliations.

Like people who believe that all conservatives are fearful people with a "narrow world view." bdfreetuna, I\'m going to HOPE that you were referring to the Christian right, not the conservative movement as a whole. If you were referring to the latter, well... that\'s the most ridiculous, insulting, ignorant mouthful of trash I have heard in a while. If that\'s the case then I suppose you also believe that to be conservative means to be racist, environmentally unaware, and misogynistic too. Fuck you bdfreetuna, grow the fuck up and think like an adult. (And if you were only referring to the Christian right, sorry about that. But that\'s also pretty insulting to a large number of people. To be Christian doesn\'t always mean one thing. I know plenty of smart, broad-thinking, liberated Christians. And I am starting to feel pretty bad for Christians in this country, who are constantly the subject of the liberals\' taunts and insults. It\'s especially tough for them now to be living in a society where the education system and the mainstream media are dominated by the political left, who tend to shun Christian affiliation. They often portray Christians as ignorant, laughable, pathetic individuals, and it\'s getting old. To be religious-minded is starting to mean being a second-class citizen. Not the idea this country was founded upon, if I am not mistaken.)

People just won\'t stop making these large, sweeping generalizations about huge, diverse groups of people. It\'s so obnoxious I don\'t even know where to begin.

The only thing here that DOESN\'T piss me off is the statement by Flanagan, which seems to be pretty right on.
Masturbation in the MFA


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« Reply #3 on: March 17, 2007, 05:26:08 pm »
ok I disagree with most of that, being that I am not even close to conservative

At least I recognize that my way of thinking might be a bit off center... your post makes me think you have no idea that your bias is at least as strong as my own. I mean.... "liberal schools and media". LOL

And the suggested reading was just a joke (well, I am reading it) but obviously not related to the topic at hand, which is this:

Wikipedia is open, free, and excellent. Yet some conservatives feel the need to have every bit of information pandered towards their world view, so they had to create a "conservapedia". I\'m sure I want to read definitions of things with a moral and ideological slant.. right.

By the way, I know the difference between conservativism and the Christian Right and facists.

Too bad the Christian Right and Neo-Conservative movements screwed it up for you guys.. maybe instead of pandering to these psychos real conservatives should have denounced them from the start.. Now its the liberals\' turn!

You can say "fuck you" because you don\'t like my point of view. And I need to "grow up" because you don\'t agree with me. Maybe you should check yourself, if you\'re the one getting so pissed off just because not everyone thinks like yourself. Is Freedom of Expression still one of your conservative values?
« Last Edit: March 17, 2007, 05:32:10 pm by bdfreetuna »
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« Reply #4 on: March 17, 2007, 05:48:33 pm »
Do you deny that most colleges/universities are dominated by a liberal ideology? First of all, you misquoted me. I did not call say "liberal schools and media." That would be implying that ALL schools and ALL of the media were of a liberal mindset. I said that they are DOMINATED by a liberal ideology. And this is a simple fact. I\'m not even saying it\'s necessarily bad. But it certainly is a truth. 2 out of the 3 colleges I went to (the 3rd being Catholic, and terrible) were completely run by facists. When you enter a class and Stupid White Men is assigned reading, and then there is nothing on the other side to balance that... and then the teacher HATES you because you do not agree with the book... etc etc... Class after class it was this stuff. This is just my own personal experience, but it is the experience of most college goers in this country. Most of them just are not aware of it. They believe what they\'re taught, especially if it comes from a smart, motivating, charismatic professor. That is one of the reasons so many people our age come out of college so politically charged, and almost always in the same direction. And the mainstream media, if you look at who runs the stations, the political affiliations of the anchorpeople/reporters, and the programs they choose to air... they lean very heavily left. Can you give me the name of more than one conservative thinker involved with NBC? Guests don\'t count. It\'s just the way it is. Fox news, obviously, is the opposite- grotesquely (almost nauseatingly) right. But that is just one station. The newspapers are not quite as bad. (eg, in Boston, you have the Globe on the left, the Herald on the right. BUT... which paper is the one that people pay more attention to? Clearly, the Globe. NY Times, same story.)

Obviously we\'re all biased. I recognize where I stand, and if I wasn\'t biased, I would probably be devoid of opinion. My issue is when people make broad sweeping statements about another group of people that are overgeneralizations and not accurate.

You won\'t find me speaking of liberals the way most liberals speak of conservatives. If I did, I would be saying things like

"The facists do not support our troops."
"The left is weak on national defense."
"The liberals push socialist propaganda."
"The facistic party is made up of a bunch of theives who want to steal the taxpayers\' hard-earned money."

However, I will not and do not stoop to making cheap, mudslinging comments like that.

You\'re right, the radical right DID screw it up for the facist party. One of several reasons I am not a facist.

But no more than the crazy Michael Moores of the left have screwed it up for the liberals. People like that take serious credence away from the facistic party when the party gives them one iota of respect. The facistic party was made into a joke by people like that, and is still trying to recover.

Two party system sucks my ass, hard.
Masturbation in the MFA


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« Reply #5 on: March 17, 2007, 06:01:43 pm »
Yep the two party system does suck. I\'m an Independent because my philosophy is a strange mix of social libertarianism and economic socialism. There\'a a lot of us hybrids up in the woods, as I\'m sure its much the same up in the woods of NH where many working people are feeling the economic squeeze and wondering what exactly the government has done for them lately..

I personally don\'t find Michael Moore crazy. I liked all his movies and pretty much like anybody who stands up to big business and "the man". Part of the reason I won\'t call myself a facist is because many of them support the same "free markets" (which hurt everybody except the CEOs) that facists do. Although this appears to be changing..

NBC News is far from "liberal". Half of their stories are essentially White House press releases. Tony Snow might as well be the lead anchor.

I get my news from NPR and Democracy Now! with Amy Goodman. Whether or not these are "liberal" (and I would say they are slanted liberal, but not even close to as much as FOX slants to the right) I know I am getting a lot more accurate and otherwise pushed-under-the-carpet information than the average TV news viewer.

I think I deviated from the original topic a bit... but, oh well. It\'s nice to have a political discussion without it coming to insults.

And, just for fun :

Everybodys favorite Ann Coulter hehehe
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« Reply #6 on: March 18, 2007, 06:51:26 am »
Quote from: bdfreetuna;138897

Paul are you seriously calling the anyone-can-edit-it Wikipedia biased, and the by-definition-slanted Conservapedia... uhhh, objective? Looks about as Fair and Balanced as Bill O\'Reilly\'s "No Spin Zone".

sarcasm does not trasnfer well on the internet. I put :wah: at the top of the page to try and show it.

As for you and Jocelyn, pass the popcorn.
"i heard that after he crossed the finish line he proceeded to wrestle down and pin a full sized grizzly bear"- ds673488

"if i listened to the distance on repeat, i\'d be wearing yellow jerseys like a motherfucker" - zuke