Motor Booty Affair" -Parliament
Funkiest P-Funk groove IMO... TB would have wicked fun with this one. I know they\'ve teased it once before, so the thought has definetly crossed their minds!!
"Hocus Pocus"-Focus
They already cover Focus with "Sylvia" but lets face it if they covered "Hocus Pocus" every venue they played at would erupt... I mean this is the PERFECT opener!!
"Villiage of the Sun"-Zappa
Tim definetly could handle Napolean\'s raspy voice on it, if not I have a version of Ike singing, which actually would be more suitable for Tim to imitate. I think Paul would agree with me on this one...
"Fountain of Samalacis"-Genesis
Ok I know this one is a long shot, but hey we can all dream, can\'t we??
"Marvelous Moses"-Nektar
Tim would take vocals on this one and Joc, c\'mon it would fit in PERFECTLY in their repoitoire...
"Close to the Edge"-Yes
A few years ago I talked to Tim, trying to coax him and the guys into covering "Starship Trooper". He said if anything they would cover "Close to the Edge"... So

"Trilogy"- Mahavishnu
The boys already covered "Hope" and "Miles Beyond" and I wish to Christ almighty they would bring them back... But still I would love to hear them cover "Triology"-- it would be a challenge for Tim to tackle some of McLaughlin\'s rifts on this tune.
I think it would be cool to open a show up with sort of an ambient jam and then just go right into this... The whole crowd would be confused, but I think it\'d be the most pristine musical moment ever.
"Life Divine"-Santana/McLaughlin
Another cool song just to jam off of.
"Elephant Talk"- King Crimson
Ron would sing this one..... I think it would sound good.
"Out of the Blue"-Roxy Music
Ron would also sing this one..I mean I\'m pretty sure he could do a mean Brian Ferry.
"Ten Years Gone" Zeppelin
Tim would sing this one. I don\'t think anyone would argue against this one. I know Umphrey\'s teases it often but never play it, so I\'d recommend TB to pick it up asap!!
"My Wife"- The Who
Jordan=John Entwhistle c\'mon, c\'mon!!