Author Topic: Grateful Dead Fans ENTER!!!  (Read 2932 times)


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Grateful Dead Fans ENTER!!!
« Reply #15 on: October 10, 2006, 01:40:43 pm »
Quote from: Ant-Man;122294
Ya that\'s cool, but I guess you can still use the winamp plug-in for the shows he doesn\'t the whole \'77 NY run...which is just 1337 IMO..or if there is some other bands with SBD recordings that is only streamable...

so if some of you are still interested
At the top
On the left nav bar you\'ll see Plug-ins
>highlight Output
a list of plug-ins will appear on the right and your looking for \'Nullsoft Disk Writer\'
>highlight, then hit configure on the bottom
a window appears, on the upper left of the window you will see Directory
>hit the box next to Directory:, to choose where you want the show to be writen to..
>then hit OK on the bottom.

So when you go stream the show on archive, make sure winamp is your default player...
what will happen is, winamp is going to be writing the show to your HD as archive streams it to your computer instead of playing it, you wont hear the show on your speakers it will just be writing to your HD...let me know if you ahve any questions...

Thanks! Never knew about that one.
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  • govt.cheeze
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Grateful Dead Fans ENTER!!!
« Reply #16 on: June 29, 2007, 01:59:41 pm »
jeez, just got my 500gig of external sweetness in and I could not for the life of me figure out this plug in for streamable ripping capabilities...

anyone else use this latly?
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