I think I will post an MP3 version of this show. Ya I know a taper posting MP3\'s but here is why.
The setup:
We clamped to the ceiling about 4 feet in front of the band at Red Square. We ran Omni\'s spaced only about 17cm apart. The recording is pretty good. It is a lilttle bass heavy but an enjoyable listen IMHO. I played parts of it for Tim last Thursday after the TTour show. He said he thought it sounded good.
I was critically listening to the show and trying to even out a first set gain change when I noticed what can only be described as a skip. I was running akg414xls/st > Grace Design V3 (ya for new toys) > optical > iriver h120, we also ran COAX > D8. Kyle has the DATs and I think they are fine (ie. no skips) but I am not sure when I will be able to get the DATs from him, Maybe this weekend. So what I think is a good idea nd feel free to say otherwise. I will post a streamable version of this show so u all can listen to it on your computers and a zip file containing the MP3\'s when I get the DATs I will seed the flac files.
The \'skip\' seems to happen every ten minutes so I think it was the new firmware I loaded on to the iriver. I have since switched back to the older build I wasn\'t having any problem with.