Awesome story from a couple of hours ago. A Boston radio station (88.1 WMBR again) put out a trivia question, and the first caller with the right answer would win 2 free tickets to Gathering Of The Vibes! (That\'s like a $200 prize!)
The question was: "What song with Jerry Garcia\'s guitar playing has received more radio play than any other?"
Touch of Grey naturally came to mind but it seemed too easy. Also the way the question was worded I felt like it probably wasn\'t a Dead song. So I called Josh Kroop, former longtime Breakfast manager. I posed the question, and the way he answered was just like on Who Wants To Be A Millionaire when they phone a friend and the friend immediately spits out the answer right off the top of their head and you know that they\'re right. It was beautiful.
"Teach Your Children" he said.
I hung up without another word, called the station, and won the tickets.
Kroop in the clutch!