I respect Dave, but when you want to put an album out but your "people" tell you it\'s "too dark" so you don\'t, I dont\' like that, release the music you want to release. Oh yeah and starting riots at a DMB show practically the quintisential smoke a joint have a glass of wine sit by the fire with your girl/guy music, and people are starting riots?
I just don\'t get it. (it was only in Hartford though so what\'s that tell you?(and twice at that))
But really it just caught me off guard to see any show for $10,000, yeah all in all it\'s not too bad, but I rarely spend $20 on a show let alone 300 some odd dollars.
I think the most I ever spent to see a show was roughly $150 (might have been more or less it was awhile ago) for DBB new years VIP tickets in Bridgeport. That was a great fuckin night though. Watchin The Boot from the side of the stage at midnight AWESOME!
found it:
12/31/00 Mertens Theater, Bridgeport, CT
Set 1: Fuzzy Logic (Rob)->Fire It Up (Hope)->Hear My Song (Bryan), The Hassle->Homo Lingo (Brad), Ain\'t Doing Too Bad* (Fuzz)->Shabadeux (Cy)->Bump & Sway (Rob/Cy/Fuzz)->Bass Jam->Too Bad (Rob/Brad/Fuzz)->Raspberry (Bryan), Listen To Yourself (Hope)->Pure Gravy (Fuzz)
Set 2:Anesthetic Fakeout->BOOT!->Pass It Down->Verge->Getchall Swank (Brad-ewi), La Familia (Drums-Hope)->Funk If I Know (Rob)->Can\'t Get Next To You, Big Thing (Bryan)->What I\'m Talkin About (Fuzz)->Mama\'s Boy->Universal Song (Cy)->Strong, Boogie On Reggae Woman (Rob/Cy)->Everybody
E: Rocker Intro->Super Bad* (Hope)->Breakfast* (Bryan & Brad trade)->B\'Gock (Fuzz)
*w/ Jen Durkin on vocals