Author Topic: im Starting An Illegal Download Thread>>  (Read 7356 times)


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im Starting An Illegal Download Thread>>
« Reply #60 on: May 17, 2006, 10:06:34 pm »
Quote from: TreyChica
I really dont give a fuck Mandler seriously. The Breakfast Fam=exclusive=alienating.....

If you don\'t give a fuck then why are you trying so hard here?  

Quote from: TreyChica

Fitz, that\'s ONE person who bought an album through the site. My point is ther are more people who won\'t buy the album and keep the pirated copy, and those people should not be given handouts.

So you brought upon yourself to be the site administrator?  It\'s dave\'s site, if he did have a problem with this thread he would have locked it.  It\'s not as though he doesn\'t know it\'s going on.  He even changed the title. (it used to be "Fuck it... I\'m starting an illegal download thread")

Quote from: TreyChica
Bottom line= the general energy of the fanbase, the ball busting, HOTEY RAGING is toxic to me.

That\'s fine then don\'t take part in it I know alot of people who don\'t and I am still good friends with them.  It\'s not as though we wont\' hang out with people who won\'t stay up and drink all night.

Quote from: TreyChica
I seriously dont give a fuck at this point.

See first comment

Quote from: TreyChica

I\'ll continue to see the band as much as I can, support them, push them on as many people as I can and spread their name to ANY person in the music industry that I know, which is quite a few.  

That\'s very big of you........
your music industry connects have gotten them real far already, you\'ve gotten them so much publicity and airplay, and gigs don\'t forget the gigs

Quote from: TreyChica
Like I said, this thread was the straw that broke the camel\'s back....

so what are you alluding to?

Look I honestly initially wanted to come at you in a friendly way and try to tell you your just coming at things the wrong way around here, but you are comepletly unreceptive to any help anyone tries to give you, so whatever be mad at everyone, it\'s everyone else\'s fault Joe, we\'re assholes........

just keep telling yourself that
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  • Jai Guru Deva Om
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im Starting An Illegal Download Thread>>
« Reply #61 on: May 17, 2006, 10:26:46 pm »
Quote from: Me!
Quote from: TreyChica
I really dont give a fuck Mandler seriously. The Breakfast Fam=exclusive=alienating.....

If you don\'t give a fuck then why are you trying so hard here?  

Trying hard would be agreeing with everything everyone says, laughing at every inside joke and kissing ass.

Quote from: TreyChica

Fitz, that\'s ONE person who bought an album through the site. My point is ther are more people who won\'t buy the album and keep the pirated copy, and those people should not be given handouts.

So you brought upon yourself to be the site administrator?  It\'s dave\'s site, if he did have a problem with this thread he would have locked it.  It\'s not as though he doesn\'t know it\'s going on.  He even changed the title. (it used to be "Fuck it... I\'m starting an illegal download thread")

yeah and I\'m surprised Dave hasn\'t closed it yet. Even though this isn\'t the band\'s official website IT STILL IS ASSOCIATED WITH THE BAND. This is the equivalent of me posting every Breakfast studio album on the Umphreaks message board.....

Quote from: TreyChica
Bottom line= the general energy of the fanbase, the ball busting, HOTEY RAGING is toxic to me.

That\'s fine then don\'t take part in it I know alot of people who don\'t and I am still good friends with them.  It\'s not as though we wont\' hang out with people who won\'t stay up and drink all night.

Yeah, sounds like real connections there.....

Quote from: TreyChica
I seriously dont give a fuck at this point.

See first comment


Quote from: TreyChica

I\'ll continue to see the band as much as I can, support them, push them on as many people as I can and spread their name to ANY person in the music industry that I know, which is quite a few.  

That\'s very big of you........
your music industry connects have gotten them real far already, you\'ve gotten them so much publicity and airplay, and gigs don\'t forget the gigs

Dude they have their own booking agency, let them handle the gigs. Considering I just submitted the report on the band two weeks ago I wouldn\'t be surprised if they heard something back within 3 or 4 months.  It took me awhile to find a way to market them, because as I\'m sure you know, they\'re pretty fucking impossible to sell

Quote from: TreyChica
Like I said, this thread was the straw that broke the camel\'s back....

so what are you alluding to?

Look I honestly initially wanted to come at you in a friendly way and try to tell you your just coming at things the wrong way around here, but you are comepletly unreceptive to any help anyone tries to give you, so whatever be mad at everyone, it\'s everyone else\'s fault Joe, we\'re assholes........

just keep telling yourself that

What are you talking about? Help? Jesus christ man. I don\'t think you understand, so let me lay it out on the line. The Breakfast FAM is like the circle of trust in Meet The Parents. Before 2/3rds of the now regulars started seeing The Breakfast there was a loose small circle of fans. We would help promote shows, help the band carry their equipment in and out of venues (which got my 18 year old ass into many 21+ shows).  I was all about working with the band, doing whatever I could to get their name out there. Then came college and a 3 state barrier.  Everything changed.

However having to earn my way back into that circle is complete bullshit. Maybe it\'s just evolution, but the fam back in 01-02 was where it was at....  So you have to understand it\'s very frusterating, among other things.....
From hardcore>semi-core>anti-breakfast>seen the light>hardcore without the fringe benefits of friends and fam..... That\'s the best way I can put it.

Yeah I suck with the whole replying within quotes....
« Last Edit: May 17, 2006, 10:26:46 pm by Overexjoesure »
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im Starting An Illegal Download Thread>>
« Reply #62 on: May 17, 2006, 10:54:32 pm »
Really Joe?

Your really gonna come at me with shit about helping the band? I traveled with these guys for 2 years, carrying their equipment, selling merch, helping Dobson, doing whatever they asked me to do for what?  not much I\'ll tell you that much, and I basically put my life on hold for those 2 years, and I loved every minute of it, and I never use that against other people, try to tell them that they can\'t be here because they haven\'t been here, that\'s stupid. I/we wouldn\'t do that, it\'s counterproductive.  We are not trying to keep people away....

Earnign your way back in?  I dont\' know what your talking about, I don\'t know anyone in "the scene" that thinks they had to earn their way in, we\'re just friends.

That\'s fine then don\'t take part in it I know alot of people who don\'t and I am still good friends with them. It\'s not as though we wont\' hang out with people who won\'t stay up and drink all night.

Yeah, sounds like real connections there.....

this doesn\'t even make sense, judge not brother, that\'s fine you live your life and I\'ll live mine, don\'t come down on me for the choices I make, don\'t try and belittle the genuine connections that I have with the people around me.  I have said this before but....., these people are my family, as much as my blood, just because we drink together doesn\'t mean we\'re not friends. I have a very close friend who has recently changed their lifestyle, does that mean I dont\' talk to them? NO! Has our relationship been damaged at all? NO!  In fact they are still a confidant, who I trust with my life.  

Before 2/3rds of the now regulars started seeing The Breakfast

so they\'re not as good?  
sometimes it\'s not exactly what your saying joe it\'s what your not saying

not for nothin but I have never been anti-breakfast
« Last Edit: May 17, 2006, 11:05:48 pm by Me! »
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im Starting An Illegal Download Thread>>
« Reply #63 on: May 17, 2006, 11:15:48 pm »
Dude If it wasn\'t for the fact that I went to college I would\'ve been in the position you were in Mandler, I was definetly working my ass off to that point. Whatever I missed out on my chance to work with the band so I could get an education. And sure Tim gave me work to do at one point during my college years, but I couldn\'t fulfill that role due to school.  Personally I feel everyone tries to one-up each other around here, and sure you can argue that I\'m trying to do the same thing, but it\'s extremely different. I\'m trying to point out that the general Breakfast fanbase is alienating to new fans.  Hell just last week a few people from The Bort (the UM board) registered with the site and tried to start some convo. No response. I see people who post on here all the time and are looked right over, as if their opinion doesn\'t matter because they\'re not from New England or New York.  

Still Mandler, you never replied to the main point of this thread/discussion...

yeah and I\'m surprised Dave hasn\'t closed it yet. Even though this isn\'t the band\'s official website IT STILL IS ASSOCIATED WITH THE BAND. This is the equivalent of me posting every Breakfast studio album on the Umphreaks message board.....
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im Starting An Illegal Download Thread>>
« Reply #64 on: May 17, 2006, 11:17:35 pm »
Joe give it up man. It really is not worth the effort. People that think it is ok to illegally download copyrighted material are not going to listen anyway. To them it is some kind of right because it is on the internet.

I agree the sites you mentioned to preview music are better than illegally downloading under the pretense of "just checking it out".

 I am sure SOME people will use a thread like this and BUY an album but more likely than not once a person HAS downloaded an album they have it on disc in seconds w/ no reason to buy the album and support the artists hard work.

I think Dave is really putting himself out there letting this thread stay alive. I mean shit even Grayson could keep sharingthegroove clean and it was music exclusively.

As for the Bfam being exclusive I think not. I agree this board is basically a way for those in and around Ct and able to see each other alot to keep in touch easily when The Bfast is not playing.
In person though every one I have ever met @ a Bfast show have been some of the most rightous folk I have ever met and I count not a few as lifelong friends(no matter what goes on here).

I applaud your venting your anger @ music pirates but believe me it is going to continue and Wah could give a fuck less.
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im Starting An Illegal Download Thread>>
« Reply #65 on: May 17, 2006, 11:26:05 pm »
Leith I\'m referring to the general populace. The faceless drones in shrouded hoodies, ranging from 17-28, longboards, oaty stouts, fratboys, d-girls, hipster snobs, Gong fans, Jason Bateman fans etc etc . I\'m referring to the jamband market. I one day would like to see this: The Breakfa$t..
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im Starting An Illegal Download Thread>>
« Reply #66 on: May 17, 2006, 11:45:27 pm »
the band is not the reason I was not going to school during that period of time in my life, but it worked out that the oppurtunity came along when I was at a point to take it.  I helped doing promotion before I knew anyone in the scene, I worked with them, and I still help as much as I can now that I am going to school.  All I\'m saying with that is everyone works on their own schedule.

yeah and I\'m surprised Dave hasn\'t closed it yet. Even though this isn\'t the band\'s official website IT STILL IS ASSOCIATED WITH THE BAND. This is the equivalent of me posting every Breakfast studio album on the Umphreaks message board.....

Like I said in my initial post here, I am not agreeing or disagreeing with what your trying to say, its the way your saying it.  I dont\' download music, (I really just use the computer at work) do I say no when someone hands me a CD they burned for me, no.  Do I agree with you on a certain level though, yes.  Do I think you should police things, no.  Keep in mind also yes the site is affiliated with the band but by name only, they have absolutely no control of what happens on this site, and it is not a reflection of them.

I\'m trying to point out that the general Breakfast fanbase is alienating to new fans

I thought I already tackled this one, all we talk about on here is trying to get these guys bigger, cause they damn well deserve to be, why would we want to keep people away?  I have seen more new faces within the last year than I can count and alot of them have stayed around.

Hell just last week a few people from The Bort (the UM board) registered with the site and tried to start some convo. No response. I see people who post on here all the time and are looked right over, as if their opinion doesn\'t matter because they\'re not from New England or New York.

I don\'t know who your refering to but, sometimes when people come on passively they are not jumped on.  When someone comes on strong and doesn\'t let up that\'s when people become regulars on here, they do it on their own.  I mean it\'s the internet, (keep that in mind) we talk to people we already know, so yes it can be hard for people to work their way in around here but I think that\'s more just cause everyone already knows everybody, we\'re not trying to be exclusive.

Quote from: TreyChica
Leith I\'m referring to the general populace. The faceless drones in shrouded hoodies, ranging from 17-28, longboards, oaty stouts, fratboys, d-girls, hipster snobs, Gong fans, Jason Bateman fans etc etc . I\'m referring to the jamband market. I one day would like to see this: The Breakfa$t..


what are you talking about? why would you want to see that one day? why???  I don\'t think the breakfast crowd is the general jamband market that\'s why they have so many problems people dont\' know what to do with them, so you don\'t like people if they fall into one of these categories?  I\'m learnign more and more about you.....
« Last Edit: May 17, 2006, 11:45:27 pm by Me! »
Everywhere there\'s lots of piggies, Living piggy lives. You can see them out for dinner With their piggy wives, Clutching forks and knives To eat their bacon


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im Starting An Illegal Download Thread>>
« Reply #67 on: May 17, 2006, 11:46:41 pm »
Moral of the story: just because you\'re in the inner circle of the band doesn\'t make you more of a fan than that skinny white kid wearing a P-Funk shirt throwing up into a garbage can in downtown Baltimore....

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« Reply #68 on: May 17, 2006, 11:49:09 pm »
^^never said or alluded to that at all

a fan is a fan is a fan is a fan is a fan is a fan is a fan is a fan is a fan is a fan is a fan is a fan is a fan is a fan is a fan is a fan is a fan is a fan is a fan is a fan is a fan is a fan is a fan is a fan is a fan is a fan

the only prerequisite: LOVE THE FUCKIN MUSIC!  that\'s it

and if someone made that skinny white kid feel that way, it shouldn\'t be put on the shoulders of the entire fan base......
Everywhere there\'s lots of piggies, Living piggy lives. You can see them out for dinner With their piggy wives, Clutching forks and knives To eat their bacon


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im Starting An Illegal Download Thread>>
« Reply #69 on: May 17, 2006, 11:52:05 pm »
Mandler you just proved my point about the Breakfast fanbase being exclusive.  Who gives a fuck if 300 Brazillian transsexuals come to the Toad;s show as long as they\'re FANS OF THE FUCKING MUSIC AND PUTTING MONEY IN THEIR POCKETS!!!!!!!     The only thing I care about is $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ for the band. $$$$$$ so they dont have to work shitty second jobs, tour where they want when they want, have top notch equipment etc etc etc

The P-Funk thing was an inside joke ;) See I\'m cool, only like 3 people get that. I\'m uber hetty now!!! HALF YARDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
« Last Edit: May 17, 2006, 11:52:05 pm by Overexjoesure »
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im Starting An Illegal Download Thread>>
« Reply #70 on: May 17, 2006, 11:56:12 pm »
this: Breakfa$t looks like a sarcastic lot shirt along the vein of "trey is wilson" didn\'t mean to misinterpret

and do you really think that if 300 Brazilian transexuals came to see the guys at toads the music would be the same?  I know your just tryingto make a point but I think my point holds true as well.  They play music for people that like their music, and we like their music.

Trust me I know quite a few brazialian transexuals and as much as I tried I could not get them to a show ;)
« Last Edit: May 17, 2006, 11:59:28 pm by Me! »
Everywhere there\'s lots of piggies, Living piggy lives. You can see them out for dinner With their piggy wives, Clutching forks and knives To eat their bacon


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im Starting An Illegal Download Thread>>
« Reply #71 on: May 17, 2006, 11:56:52 pm »
Quote from: TreyChica
I\'m uber hetty now!!! HALF YARDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Lobbying for a Kote>Beer Jubilee>Gypsy Girl>Prom 97>Vortex


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« Reply #72 on: May 18, 2006, 12:05:40 am »
Mandler.....  They need money. They need exposure.  They need FANS!!!
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« Reply #73 on: May 18, 2006, 12:14:19 am »
^^alright this is it and I\'m going to bed.....

I agree they need fans, but they shouldn\'t change the music to gain them, they should still play what they\'re gonna play.  Just cause we like like their music doesn\'t mean others can\'t.  Things really have been good for them lately, they are on a upward arc, and I don\'t see any signs of slowing down. Recording another album already, how long did it take for us to get RR? Playing very well attended gigs all over the US, things are going well I don\'t see any reason to think they\'re not.

So I guess let\'s focus on the positive here, we\'re getting some great shows lately and I really haven\'t felt this kinda energy around the scene since 01\' 02\'

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im Starting An Illegal Download Thread>>
« Reply #74 on: May 18, 2006, 12:17:51 am »
I\'m not saying change their music, no way.. I just mean I hope they attract people, regardless what they playMooboos>Dogs>Rufus>SweatOfMyBalls>Mooboos



this thread needs to be dunzo!
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