Author Topic: New Audioslave CD "Revelations" due in June  (Read 1033 times)


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New Audioslave CD "Revelations" due in June
« on: March 24, 2006, 10:51:09 am »

Audioslave Reveal Their Soul Side
Chris Cornell dips into R&B, family life on "Revelations"

For Audioslave\'s third album, due in June, singer Chris Cornell wanted to explore a vocal style he feels closest to but has never touched on before: R&B. "I love rock music, but my favorite singers are not in rock bands," Cornell confesses. "They\'re Stevie Wonder, Mavis Staples, the Chamber Brothers." So on Audioslave\'s latest effort, appropriately dubbed Revelations, Cornell decided to follow the soul sound.

He really pushed his boundaries on the "groove-oriented" song "Broken City." "It reminds me of The World Is a Ghetto[-era] War," Cornell says. "My vocal cadence is different, my approach to the vocal is different. And with this band, we have the ability to go into more of a soul/R&B direction and have it be authentic. It\'s exciting."

But never mind the Chamber Brothers -- Cornell\'s new role as a family man has had just as great an influence on his songwriting and his life. "As I\'m getting older and I have children and my life is definitely settling down more, I\'m really about family," he says while getting ready to play a West Hollywood benefit for the Stuart House, a group that helps sexually abused children and their families. "When I\'m not in the studio making records with Audioslave, I\'m at home with my wife and my kids," he continues. "So there are a lot of songs where I mention them -- where maybe the subject is about something else, but they\'re in there. My family is my chief concern."

Though still only just over a year old, Cornell\'s daughter has already made her opinion of Audioslave\'s music known. "My baby girl Toni listens to [last year]\'s Out of Exile religiously, every day, dances to it in the kitchen. And if you take out that CD and put in something else, she\'ll whine and say no," Cornell says with a laugh. "We finished the new record just now, and the very first time I put it on she was like, \'This is not the record I know.\' Everybody\'s a critic."


  • El Cuco
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New Audioslave CD "Revelations" due in June
« Reply #1 on: March 24, 2006, 11:20:27 am »
So the new Audioslave will be out in June huh?  Great, just great.  Where am I going to get time for this?  It\'s going take me all summer (at least) to digest the RHCP double album in May.  I might just have to quit my job.   I\'m just too damn slow with a good CD.
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experienced the loss and pain I have experienced,
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New Audioslave CD "Revelations" due in June
« Reply #2 on: March 24, 2006, 02:30:00 pm »

A friend of mine told me that they saw Zach doing acoustic stuff in a very small venue, would love to see what he\'s doing now...
Everywhere there\'s lots of piggies, Living piggy lives. You can see them out for dinner With their piggy wives, Clutching forks and knives To eat their bacon


  • El Cuco
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New Audioslave CD "Revelations" due in June
« Reply #3 on: June 14, 2006, 11:15:33 am »
If a thread BUMPs on .info, and no one cares to read it, does it make a sound?

Anyway in case anyone\'s interested the release date for this album has been pushed back to Sept.  The 1st single, Original Fire is to be released July 17th, and the album is also said to contain a cover of Jeff Beck\'s Shape of Things to Come.
A man who has seen the things I have seen,
experienced the loss and pain I have experienced,
I transcend race, hombre.