ah, lets see:
thursday - It\'s pretty damn cold up here. I\'ve never been in the mountains in the winter before. It snows all the time but never accumilates. Soundcheck included enter sandman and don\'t fear the reaper, although the latter was never played.

friday - got to go on the bobsled with chuck and the crew. pretty damn crazy ride. whole thing took 48 seconds. My legs are freezing.

Soul Live had some great grooves, but the jams never seem to go anywhere. Great band for about 30 mintues before you get really bored. During the moe set Al climbed up on the monitors like a rock star. When he jumped off, it pushed the monitor into the pit landing between Josh and myself by mere inches. Al fell on the ground and played guitar on his back for a while. Chuck followed. A monitor is alot heavier than it looks when you lift it back over your head to put back on the stage. During one of the jams, Rob went and sat down behind his amp for a good 5-10 minutes. Also, having never heard them, lazarus and bear song are both great tunes. There was some latenight band at wiseguys. Ryan something or other. They sounded just like the breakfasts\' love lake jam when I walked in. Spot on that I thought it was a cover at first. I signed up on the mailing list.
saturday afternoon- verizon stage on the side of the mountain at white face. Great turnout. The band had heating ducts pumping hot air onto the stage the whole show. Talking with rob afterwards, he said he kept checking between songs, but his bass never loss tune at all. It was FUCKING FREEZING!!!!!! Chuck Al and Rob had fingerless gloves. It was so cold it\'s hard to describe. Your thighes went numb first and took the longest to warm up. Chilled to the bone took on a whole new meaning. Cori called me not knowing I was in placid and asked if I wanted to go to sallys that night. At that time, I would have gladly traded places.

Saturday night - Assembly of dust is pretty good. Everyone orchestra with fishman et all was great, but was alot of free form jamming. Not for everyone. Fishman sat in on drums for the percussion solo section of brent black. I was right behind the kit shooting for his whole solo. After his solo he looked right down at me and laughed. Then as Vinny ran back out he took a nasty spill climbing back onto the drum raiser, but because he was behind the kit no one really noticed. At the aftershow, fishman was surrounded by the ladies

overall memories: IT\'S FUCKING COLD IN THE MOUNTAINS!!!!!!