little do you SERheads realize that the godfather of interplanetary funk will be mere miles away descending on new haven while you are hanging out at the worst bar in orange(which says alot)
dude, seriously.. this is the second time you\'ve come in and completely shit on one of these threads trying to steer people away from a breakfast-related show. yeah man, it\'d be really fucking radical if everyone skipped out on the GTB show to go to toad\'s.. really.. tim, ron, adrian, and i would be SOOOO psyched to play in an empty room.. can you imagine how fucking radical that would be?? i\'m sure it\'d make the 4 of us feel fantastic!
you know, i\'m supposed to keep my cool around here, but you\'re a radicalDICK. this is the second GTB thread you\'ve shit on, and you took a nice uncalled-for radical dump on donbean\'s reggae thread the other day. not going to the show? good. don\'t click on the thread. go hit up the p-funk boards and talk about how radically psyched you are to be doing something better than the rest of us that night, but keep your fucking threadcraps to yourself.