Treychica, Ultimate Frisbee is not played on courses, that is Frisbee golf. Ultimate is a team sport played 7 on 7 where you must advance the disc into the opponent\'s end zone by passing it. Robyn, don\'t laugh. Ultimate is serious stuff. The UPA has 210,000 members in the USA alone playing in over 2,500 leagues. National championships have been held every year since 1986. The sport is NCAA-sanctioned and last year there were 86 men\'s college teams and 31 women\'s teams. California, Massachusetts, Connecticut, Colorado, Wisconsin, and Florida also have governing bodies for high school play.
The action is about 5 times faster than soccer and requires the positioning precision of football. You can\'t just run willy-nilly across the field like in soccer or basketball or everyone will know in 2 seconds. I thought I knew what Ultimate was until I played in my first real league. It\'s tough, but it\'s the greatest game I\'ve ever played!