bezerker, just remembered you caught me off my guard right when buquebus ended, that should visually sum up my night.
forgot about how funny the pre-encore was too.. the guy i guess \'running security\' or the curfew-nazi, whatever he was, argued with tim for a little while about an encore. i was basically standing in between them, it was clear tim wasnt going to lose. so the guy STRESSED quick, one quick one, remember -- make it QUUUICK. adrian strapped on the guitar, tim hopped up on drums, tim said "heres a quick one." and adrian started out with a little solo drawing a few notes out and staring at time with a hilarious grin... immediately the guy yelled, "REMEMBER QUICK!!" they just laughed and definitely didnt water down shit, not sure how long it was but watching that dude sweating his jock-strap off was priceless.. the chorus was too fitting for both the "Keep On Rocking" for the dude and "In The Free World" in honor of the incredible free show we just witnessed. real impressive to see the switch on instruments, i also have even more respect for adrian\'s ability as a musician.. these guys are nuts.