Best Thread In The History Of Massangeboards.confirm That!!
Man I am soooooooooooooooo glad a lot of my real friends stay away from message boards.Bullet dodged!
Quote from: davepeckfucking ser!!!
Quote from: leithMan I am soooooooooooooooo glad a lot of my real friends stay away from message boards.Bullet dodged!we\'re not your real friends??
however,i guess sometimes i take shit a little too far.
Quote from: leithMan I am soooooooooooooooo glad a lot of my real friends stay away from message boards.Bullet dodged!I\'m gonna have to pull a Grayson and hack your address book and forward this pic to everyone in it.Just you wait until I learn how to "get \'er done" :lol:
leith,sometimes its hard to determine how far is too far on a messageboard..