Author Topic: Poor Service Disrupts Cingular Call To The Bullpen  (Read 3082 times)


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Poor Service Disrupts Cingular Call To The Bullpen
« on: July 28, 2004, 07:29:02 am »
LOS ANGELES--Dodgers manager Jim Tracy expressed frustration yesterday when his Cingular Call to the Bullpen was disrupted by Cingular’s poor service. Tracy was attempting to call for a reliever, but his promotional MLB cell phone went dead before he could make the switch.
“I really wanted to get [Eric] Gagne warmed up before the ninth, so I gave them a call on this stupid phone,” said Tracy, holding up the cellular phone that was provided as an alternative to the old-fashioned bullpen phone. “I got [bullpen coach Frank] Cloninger on the phone, but just as I was about to give him the green light, the damn thing went dead. Every time I try to use it, it goes dead. Don’t they have cell phone towers in Los Angeles?”
Tracy then referred to the monthly plan as his “Cingular ****ing blows” plan.


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Poor Service Disrupts Cingular Call To The Bullpen
« Reply #1 on: July 28, 2004, 10:51:24 am »
Masturbation in the MFA