Set: Drunk Monk Bar, Rufus*, Help On The Way > Slipknot! > Metropolis**, Heather***, Fairy^, beatbox jam > Superfly Phaddy Fat^^, Take Five, Escher's Etchings (Part III) > Escher's Etchings (Part IV) > Escher's Etchings (Part V), May Fly Disarray > Cult Of Personality > Ahoy!
-This show was live streamed by MKDevo with no audience and included a Q & A throughout the set
*with ‘Don’t Stand So Close to Me’ (The Police) & ‘Star Wars Main Theme’ (John Williams) teases; ended with a blues jam
**with drum & bass jam
***last time played 3/2/07
^last time played 2/17/08 (acoustic)
^^last time played 7/27/17